Short Portrait
What sets us apart, what makes us different, what lifts us off.
What sets us apart, what makes us different, what lifts us off.
The Moore Ludewig AG is part of an international network of independent, owner-managed accounting and tax advisory firms. More than 100 employees, including numerous chartered accountants and tax advisors, dedicate their qualifications and engagement in the service of our clients.
Whether you are a production or service company, a concern or sole proprietorship, Moore Ludewig AG is at your disposal as a synonym for competence and reliability.
Encourageing your business growth is our aim. That is why we see our task in a consulting activity that thinks ahead, gives impulses and which can also open doors. We attach great importance to trust, independence, reliability and human credibility.
We are always as big as you need us to be. That’s the advantage of our network. If we need the advise of a specialist, we will bring them on board – no matter where in the world they are. We know each other and recommend each other.